I've been here before! I even cleared it out of highway bandits! Seriously! Like 16 episodes ago! Also: new armor? OOOOH. I'm gonna beat him up tenderly just on principle that I want his threads. I am a voracious and aggressive fashionista, always looking to meld haute couture with form and functionality. Why punch people dressed in rags, when you can punch people with style and flare!
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Lemme hear ya say: Hunh..nah nah nah nah NAH. |
This specific set-piece is pretty cool; its a semi-ruined tower overlooking two cliffs and a raging river below. Before I rescue good ol' Lucan, I decided to have fun. By dragonshouting the master vampire and a few of his cronies off the bridge to a plummeting doom. Only the vampire survived!
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But I need it for strategic living purposes! |
Well 'survived' is a loose term; technically undead, a few seconds later just dead. I managed to loot his dust after his body kind of drifted away down river. Well then; time to go get Lucan unkidnapped.
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I did. I'm special like that. You probably were. You're welcome. |
Whew. I need me some apple dumplings. Time to head on to the ol' homestead, see what Lydia's been up to these da--
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Goddamn wolfpack attacking my livestock! GO HORSE GO!
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Even Mr. Macmoo got in on the action! I mean it. My cow rammed the crap out of the 2nd wolf after my horse killed the first one. Why? Because the wolves dared kill one of my chickens. Normally these animals flee conflict, like the elks, rabbits, foxes and deer roaming Skyrim's lands. But the game suddenly decided they'd had ENOUGH. Glitch #1.
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Mannequin 2: On the MoveOH GOD I'M SORRY I DID THAT JOKE. |
So y'know. Mannequin. Just floating there. off of its pedestal there in the background. No reason, just floating. I swear if the plot of land they sold me is haunted... Oy. Glitch #2.
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Where did you come from!? |
What the; I evicted you! No seriously, I did! OK Game's just randomly generating dead people back to life. Fine I'll just kill'em again. No problem. Glitch #3.
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And then this guy materializes out of THIN AIR the second I kill the necromancer AGAIN. Glitch #4.
Whatever. Now that the universe has started conspiring against me, and that I've sufficiently stood up to its challenges; time to go get whatever bullshit plans Sorine wants. The map marker leads me to this cave, despite that the dwemer ruins are further up the mountain range. Maybe there's a tunnel? who knows.
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Spooky-ooky! |
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Aaaaand he's floating halfway through the log. Great. |
And Glitch #5. Corpse is 'floating' as if it were adrift the water, but also half-stuck through the wooden beam. The area is weird because there's no enemies yet, just that corpse. Usually quests like these tend to have a few guys around to act as a distraction or whatever. I press on, down that cloying and moist tunnel. (Awwww yeah.)
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I've been found out! |
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Swirly; medieval-style! |
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EXTREME BAPTISM: In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Fist. |
It's a dead end. Well, sort-of. Tunnel takes me to this giant cavern-like room with a waterfall, and a tunnel above it that leads further down into the mountain. Except its just a straight vertical wall here. Nothing to climb. So the map marker effectively lead me the wrong way. Glitch #6.
Even worse: I push up against the wall, and start jumping around looking for maybe a pressure switch of sorts; manage to 'climb' the SHEER VERTICAL ROCK WALL COVERED IN WATER 'UP'. and get into the tunnel. Glitch #7. Turns out this is the 'Exit' of the dwemer ruins, and I should've came out this way, rather than enter. How'd I find this out? The second I opened the door at the end of the waterfall tunnel, a chest was there with the bolt plans, but it clearly extended out into a full on dwemer ruin section.
Screw it, I'm not going out the front door. 'sides I got some mining to do.
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Can't have enough moonrocks. I mean just on principle. So I head back to Fort Dawnguard to tell Flo that his boy Lucan be totes on the rescued. This is what he had to say to me.
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Oh? I kill dragons with my bare hands for a living. Tell me how badass you are again? |
Whatever. He says there's another vampire out there (YA DON'T SAY!) who is amassing a band of bandits into a ragtag crew of sellswords, under the promise of great power if they obey. Essentially an army of dimwitted pawns. Bravo. We can't have that, so I head on out there.
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Nice scenery, well-lit from sunlight. PERFECT vampire hideout. |
As I approach the tower, my objective suddenly dings "Defeat the master vampire." I mean ok cool, but I'm not even THERE yet. Sure enough I find the dude there, dead.
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Did he jump off the building to avoid being murdered? |
I mean its a legit question; is this groundbreaking AI, or bogged down programming? Its the latter, unfortunately; (Glitch #8!) as this guy was hanging around for some reason.
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Don't mention biting my kneecaps, dude. they're filled with arrow shrapnel. |
This cultist; this RANDOM cultist just so happened to walk by the tower at the same time as I was heading here, and decided to go to town on the bandits. Crazy. I kill him though, because he's pretty much attacking me on-sight. He also is a dark elf! Hey! I need his blood for that thing with the crazy giant dwarf cube guy!
He's also the LAST blood sample I need! Coincidence or not, I'm now super excited to see what's inside that thing. Back to the glacier we go!
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Bloody Marys, Bloody Caesars, Bloody... mixtures. Eew. |
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Never judge a book by its cover's smiting-ability. No wait. ALWAYS judge a book by that standard. |
Anyways. He tries to take the Oghma Infinium, and prompty gets zapped into dust. At this point, I don't care. I'm just going to take the book back to the Moth Priest, alongside the Elder Scroll, and he can pick which one he wants to read.
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Euuuugh. Swirling evil God-poop. |
Not this bozo again. He's glad that Septimus is dead, and wants me to take the crazy-book to one of his followers, so we can get this show on the road. he even claims that the book itself is his own writings. Whatever buddy. I say 'sure' just so he can let me by. I have no itention of giving up the book, if only so I have another Daedra-cult to slaughter. Back to the office.
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See now you're just straight goofin'. |
Oh Dexion. Go home. You are drunk. (Glitch #9!)
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I can actually recruit these guys!? WHY DIDN'T GUNMAR TELL ME. WHAT THE HELL. This is awesome! Gonna have me a vampire-huntin' dog named Günther.
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Well, that's it for now! I leave you all with the random event that triggers the newest DLC: Dragonborn! Where we get to revisit Morrowind in some amount, and find out more about the very first Dohvakiin! Miraak! Why's it always gotta be cults? I hate cults!